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Opens the Search dialog that allows you to search the database for a book by certain criteria, such as title, book number, author, publisher, language, year, synopsis, comments and others (see Finding a book).

Open the dialog that allows you to search the database for a book by the ISBN number (see Finding a book).

Shows database statistics: number of books by binding type, year, subject, publisher, debtors, loaned books (see Viewing collection statistics).

Opens the dialog where you can select the template, fields to be included into the report, and choose a destination folder for the output. Clicking on the Go button generates the HTML report (see Exporting).

Opens the dialog where you can select the template, fields to be included into the report, and choose a destination folder for the output. Clicking on the "Go" button generates the CHM report (see Exporting).

Opens the dialog where you can select the fields to be included into the report, separator (tab, comma, semicolon) and a destination folder for the output. Clicking on the "Go" button generates the report in plain text (see Exporting).

Opens the dialog where you can select the fields to be included into the report and a destination folder for the output. Clicking on the "Go" button generates the report in plain text (see Exporting).

Opens the dialog where you specify the title for export and books for export. Note! Prior to export, make sure your mobile device is connected and Microsoft ActiveSync is running (see Exporting).

Opens the dialog to import a text file to All My Books (see Importing).

Opens the dialog to import an Excel file to All My Books (see Importing).

Opens the dialog to customize the look and feel of All My Books. From here, you can add or remove interface elements, select the skin, language, select the online databases, customize proxy settings,  add custom fields for book cards and much more (see Preferences)