Organize Movies and Feel A Lot Better!

Organize Movies

Movie "addiction" is growing day after day and spreading worldwide. No wonder - watching movies is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. We watch movies in the cinema, on TV, of course, we buy DVDs/Blu-rays, rent them and exchange with friends, etc. Computer hard drives are overcrowded with movies and shelves grown with DVD and Blu-ray boxes. Meanwhile chaos and mess are becoming the "disease" of our time which is always with you. It even makes you feel nervous and under stress... Sounds familiar? Well, it feels like most of us have now or used to have such like problems in the past.

Not a problem anymore

But now you've got the cutting-edge cure for this "illness" - it's All My Movies - the most pleasant "medicine" for your computer you've ever seen! You see these days everyone is trying to organize movies and do it as simply as possible. And the leader here has already been defined by the users themselves.

So, let's see how All My Movies cures your movie collection and makes your life easier!

First, it organizes movies working carefully with what you have already possess. For example, if you've got a movie database in Excel or txt format, the program imports it into the program's format - at that you have to do nothing! Just show the way to your existing database! By the way, when your All My Movies database is ready, with the same easiness you can export it into a number of formats - HTML, CHM, Plaintext, Excel, PDF, image and even to your mobile device and share with friends!

Second, the program allows organizing movies using various online databases - TMDB,, Kinopoisk, etc and adding movies in multiple ways. Use barcode scanners for DVDs and Blu-rays or Scan your drive for movies. When your collection is ready, you can update TMDb movie details in one click only.

Third, the nice view of your new movie database and movies organized will steady your nerves! :) You'll love pop-up photos of the actors and directors, as well as you'll be delighted to find fresh info about all the persons involved in movies in your collection within seconds including actors' and directors' biography, filmography, bright photos - all in one place! Isn't it great? And the ability to make screen shots yourself - right from the film - will inspire you really!

Finally, it does not only organize movies but protects your database as well! You can set the password to protect your movies from children. Besides, the built-in loan manager helps you to track the movies lent to friends, so you'll never lose any movies of yours!

So, trust All My Movies as the number one movie databases that organizes movies easily, cleverly and very quickly!

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Our customer say

All My Movies - Best present
"All My Movies is the best birthday present I've ever had! My friend is just in a rave I've got hundreds of movies in different formats and All My Movies could organize them all. Now I can play all movies right from the program - it's just fantastic!!! One more thing - before All My Movies I had to search on the Internet info about my favourite actors and directors - now it's just a miracle - the program does everything automatically within seconds!

Just fancy! Cool!!! Thanks!"
- Rating: 4.5 -

Organize your movies today! No typing needed. You can organize video files with our program as well!