All My Movies screenshots


Take a look at some All My Movies screenshots. Do not forget to DOWNLOAD the program! It is better to test drive the program yourself, really.

(installation file for Windows Vista/7/8/10/11)

Main program window with "Standard" template

All My Movies main window screenshot - Title list

Virtual movie shelf with turned off movie details panel

All My Movies Virtual shelf with turned off movie details panel

Main window screenshot with "Cover thumbnails" view mode turned on

All My Movies cover thumbnails

Export to PDF file dialog. It is very similar to "Print collection" dialog

All My Movies Export To PDF

Dark theme is available

All My Movies Dark theme grouped by genre

Different kinds of collection statistics are available

All My Movies collection statistics

"Movie card" dialog where you can edit the movie details

All My Movies movie card dialog

Searching for the movies in the local collection

All My Movies movie search dialog

Coverflow view mode in All My Movies

All My Movies coverflow view mode

Dark virtual shelf template

All My Movies dark virtual shelf

Collection grouped by Release Year

All My Movies collection grouped by release year

Video demo

(installation file for Windows Vista/7/8/10/11)

Our customer say

All My Movies - Highly recommended
"ALL MY MOVIES is a excellent, easy to use program, which I used to input 485 movies in my collection. All aspects of the program worked well, and the resultant information was easy to retreive, and looked very nice."
- Rating: 4.8 -