Organize Your Books with Home Library Software

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Personal Library Cataloging Software

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While some might say that the book is dying away, chances are good you have a large library at home. Even though e-books are becoming slightly more popular with the invention of e-book readers, most people still savor the feeling of books between their fingers. However, keeping track of a large collection of books (digital or not) is quite a task. Instead of simply hoping you can remember all of the authors you love and all of the genres you have on your shelves, you might want to consider the benefits of home library software to help you manage the books you continue to collect.

Information at Your Fingertips

How many times have you needed to find a certain book and ended up at the bookstore only to find out later that you already had the book, or something similar? It happens all the time when you're not organized. With home library software, you will be able to keep track of each and every book you own in one place. This catalog will help you like a library database helps you when you peruse their shelves. Instead of having to scanning your bookshelf or think about what books you've loaned out to others, you can simply go to your catalog, search your books, and see what you need and what you have. Having this information at your fingertips can save you numerous trips to the bookstore - and money that you didn't want to spend in the first place anyway.

Loan Out Books Without Stress

Many people also like to lend out books to others, which can become problematic. You might really enjoy a particular book, loan it to a friend, and then forget to whom you loaned it. With home library program, you can make sure you are getting those books back and that you know where all your books are at any given time. All you need to do is to make a note of the borrower within your personal book catalog, and then you never have to worry about losing a favorite book again. Even if you have to move, you will know where your books are so you can grab them from the borrowers before you go.

Categorize Your Home Library

With personal library software, you can organize your books by genre, author, or title, if you like. This way, you can find any book quickly and easily, even if you own thousands of books. In fact, this will become all the more important as more digital books are being purchased. Since you might collect these files in different places on your computer or other reading device, you might not have instant access to them. But when a home library program system, you can access them immediately.

No matter how many books you have, or you plan to purchase, investing in home library software can help you manage your collection. Organization helps even the most obsessive bookworm keep their favorite titles within reach.

Try our All My Books program for your home library. We hope you'll enjoy it!

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Our customer say

All My Books - Awesome!

"After a 30 minute good tryout of the free version... I had to buy it. WOW!!! this software blows Calibre our of the water. I get everything I need here. Awesome book mamagement and transfer to other devices and easy as pie. The interface is so attractive. Thank you!"
- Rating: 4.5 -
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